Family and Food: The Perfect Mix

Spending a few days with my sister and brother-in-law is always a special treat. With their 40 years of hospitality experience, including the management of a number of 5 star resorts in New Zealand and overseas, they really know how to turn it on.
A mad-keen fly fisherman, Grant my brother-in-law is in his element managing their tackle shop in Turangi where they now live. After purchasing the business almost two years ago, the perfect addition to the establishment was a cafe, creating Creel Tackle House & Cafe. My sister Deb is an amazing cook, and not only offers the most stunningly presented and delicious food options but also chutneys and other specialties.
Loving the fishing theme inside Creel Tackle House and Cafe
After a drive south from my home in Tauranga through the Rotorua-Taupo Road forest scenery, and along the edge of Lake Taupo, I arrived at this special little place, Turangi. With a local population of just over 3,000, it’s a quiet little town.
With a wintery blast making its way up the country, the days were clear and crisp. A morning walk along the Tongariro River got the blood circulating and the gratitude flowing. What an incredibly beautiful and magical region this is.
View from the walking track near Tongariro River
Back to Creel Tackle House & Café for a bowl of delicious pumpkin soup and a large flat white, complete with miniature shortbread trout, was next on the agenda.
Creamy pumpkin soup
Shortbread trout
For a tiny little town, it has more to offer than you might think. The Tokaanau Hot Pools are just 5km from Turangi, and with rafting, fishing, camping, hiking and tramping, there’s plenty to do.
Of course if you’re a skier, you have all of those options in winter, and in summer the mountains open themselves to endless hiking and trekking tourists.
The Major Jones Swing Bridge - access for anglers and to biking and walking trails
Next time you’re travelling through the Central North Island in New Zealand, stop off at the Creel Tackle House & Cafe in Turangi; Deb and Grant and their team will welcome you with their warm hospitality.