Make Your Cafe Dream a Reality

Inhaling, the pungent aroma permeates the senses. Discovering it takes more than forty three pairs of hands to deliver that cup of liquid gold, there’s a realisation that the journey is so much more about the people than the coffee.
More to coffee than coffee art
It's a lot like a wine tasting, except it's called "cupping"
Independent Straight Up Advice
In early August, Rachel and Nic Berry from The Business of Coffee invited me to join their coffee workshop – a hands-on class held at The Barista Academy as part of their 12 week Cafe Start Up School. Independent of the coffee roasters and a strong advocate for cafe owners, Rachel and Nic’s course delivers:
- Honest, unbiased advice on how money is made in coffee
- Ways to reduce the failure rate of new start-ups and existing cafes
- A business model for a new generation of savvy cafe owners.
Cafe Start Up School - materials ready to go
Twelve cafe enthusiasts gathered together that Saturday. Amongst us: a food technology teacher; a French tourist; and three couples about to set up their own cafe business. Another participant was building a cafe in a 20 foot shipping container; someone else was considering a career change and even a non-coffee drinker too. While everyone was at different points in their journey, what they had in common was a desire to succeed. With 70% of new cafes failing at the first hurdle, they had come to the right place.
“The course looked at coffee holistically... it looked at every single thing.” Karen
Discussing bean freshness - how often to buy and how much stock to hold
Understanding the implications of different basket sizes on taste
Exploring the coffee wheel
The day was filmed to be shared with overseas participants
Educate and Empower
The Business of Coffee provides the perfect forum to educate, support and empower cafe owners. Rachel and Nic both have more than 20 years hospitality experience and a willingness to share knowledge, tips, tricks and tools and even industry secrets to maximise profits while delivering an outstanding customer experience.
Varying cup and basket sizes impact on taste and your profit
It’s not hard to understand why people fail. Participants are encouraged to focus on what they can control. There is so much to learn. About beans and machines. How best to engage with roasters. The implications of the size variances of takeaway versus crockery cups. The importance of recipes and ratios, grind, baskets, water pressure and equipment cleanliness. All factors that impact not only on taste but the bottom line too.
“My head’s full but I don’t feel overloaded. Lots of information – it was awesome.” Carrie
Getting the Right People
One of the biggest things new business owners often overlook is getting the right people on board. Your team is a reflection of your cafe. Recruit people with the right fit with your business then teach them the skills they need. Support your team on the journey with encouragement and learning; the more they feel valued the longer they will stick around.
Daniel and Carla's key take-out, “Always watch the barista”.
Creating coffee experts - hands on courses from The Barista Academy
A great coffee is more than aroma, flavour and taste. A customer’s coffee experience in your cafe is in your hands – create a ritual for your customers with coffee on the side. The next 12 week Cafe Start Up School kicks off 1 September so contact Rachel now for more information.
And if you love you local cafe, then tell them. Better still tell all your friends too.