November: Magazine Recipes

With two weekends away in November – caught up with friends in the Bay of Plenty and had a fabulous afternoon with Unna Burch from The Forest Cantina at her food styling workshop in Tauranga, then last weekend, a long weekend in Wellington – there has been plenty of eating out and little time to discover new recipes.
So funnily enough both recipes this month (yes there are only two) are from “Flash in the Pan” in the latest Cuisine Magazine (#173 Christmas issue) where Olivia Andrews delivered quick and clever midweek ideas. There were leftovers for lunch the next day too.
First up was ‘Cauliflower Steaks with Haloumi, Spinach and Almond Salad’. Not a piece of meat in sight so perfect for meatless Mondays. Couldn’t resist topping with early season fresh asparagus too so really was a complete meal; simply delicious cold the next day too. Key trick to the steak was to ensure that a chunky piece of core held the florets together.
Meat free Mondays... cauliflower, asparagus, haloumi and spinanch
Just opened the Cuisine Magazine to ensure the descriptions are correct and realised the recipes are side-by-side on the same page – that’s definitely a first! ‘Dukkak Crusted Chicken with Pistachio Potatoes & Herbed Yoghurt’ hit the mark – prepped and on the table in under 40 minutes. Crispy new potatoes served with pan fried chicken breasts sprinkled with Maggie Beer dukkah – a souvenir from my Master of Gastronomic Tourism residential trip to Adelaide earlier in the year. Dressed with a honey, lemon and herb infused yoghurt and a scattering of fresh herbs. Certainly wasn’t complaining about cold sliced chicken served on salad greens with tomatoes the next day either.
Honey, lemon and herb infused yoghurt
It’s hard to believe there are less than 20 sleeps until Christmas. If you’re anything like me, Christmas shopping is still on the “to do” list but menu planning for the big day is almost done; it’s important to delegate some tasks when you’re working up until 23 December. Promise to share our Christmas menu soon.
Keep your eyes peeled for more on the blog about those weekends away... coming soon.