Next time not in heels

Yesterday Auckland dazzled with a cloudless sky, a chilly nip in the air – it was the perfect winter’s day. Time on my hands, the long way back to the city from Herne Bay beckoned. Ducking under the Auckland Harbour Bridge and along the foreshore as the sea glistened, reflecting the sun’s glare. With little nautical traffic except for the Birkenhead ferry, moored boats bobbed rhythmically near Bayswater across the watery expanse.
A gorgeous winter's day - Auckland Harbour Bridge
The pier outside the yacht clubs underneath the Bridge was empty bar a lone fisherman, his rod and a bucket – no luck with the fish but he didn’t seem to care. He greeted me with a quick grin then back to checking his lines.
Turning towards the city, a wide expanse of timber decking suddenly appeared – the Bridge in one direction, a magnificent cityscape in the other.
Westhaven Promenade back towards the yacht clubs
Auckland cityscape
Later I discovered that the Westhaven Promenade has been open to walkers and cyclists since mid February 2015. The current cycle / walkway path runs from Sitting Ducks Cafe, Westhaven to Wynyard Quarter, although not a dedicated lane all the way – that’s stage 2, and will eventually connect with Tamaki Drive, a 20 km stretch. It’s flat and wide; cycle, dog and children friendly – a stark contrast to the skinny footpath running adjacent to the road randomly blotted with speed-humps.
Lone lunchtime jogger heading for the Bridge
Boardwalk for walkers, cyclists and boaties too
Auckland is definitely the City of Sails
Next time you’re in the city with an hour up your sleeve, grab a coffee and take a walk. Better still take make a day of it one weekend. Enjoy the fresh air, the scenery and cafes along the way – Sitting Duck Cafe – near the yacht clubs, Billfish Cafe – Pier Z and Swashbucklers Restaurant & Bar – city end of Westhaven Drive and many more on Northwharf, Wynyard Quarter . My young niece and her friends would highly recommend the fun playground at Silo Park, Wynyard Quarter so the kids will be happy too.
Fingers crossed for a fine weekend, this is worth another visit – next time not in heels!
For more information: Westhaven walking-cycling or Waterfront Auckland