Oatcakes, Wine and Cheese

Navigating spaghetti junction and the harbour bridge to get across Auckland in peak hour traffic is something one tends to avoid unless out of absolute necessity. Wednesday night, clear skies and no major traffic jams, it was only 50 minutes door to door.
The Foodie Inc loves connecting with food producers so was excited to discover ‘AucklandMade’. A collaboration between Alex from Yelp Auckland and Hannah from Auckland in a Box, it’s a series of events showcasing an Auckland food producer – the people behind the brand, their story and their vision. Sarah and Otis Frizzell from The Lucky Taco headlined the first event and tonight it was Morgan Maw from Bonnie.
Auckland in a Box - artisan food and beverages
A cosy venue on a chilly night The Cheese Room, Milford was the perfect location for the second AucklandMade event. Standing room only, a glass of handcrafted Huia Brut from Huia Vineyards (Marlborough) greeted us at the door. I enjoyed a chat with Morgan from Bonnie before we indulged in a decadent cheese, oatcakes and wine pairing while Morgan and her husband Nic shared their journey – the Huia Brut and Huia Chardonnay a perfect match for the Evansdale Cheese from Hawksbury Village (half way between Oamaru and Dunedin).
What started with a love of baking and an Edinburgh “baking club” – a foodlovers book club of sorts and a perfecting a traditional recipe’s taste and texture, Bonnie Oatcakes are now available in 60 stockists nationwide. Handmade, rolled and cut the Scottish style oatcakes use locally sourced New Zealand ingredients including South Canterbury linseeds from a family farm, Bonnie oatcakes are currently available in three flavours: original, smoked paprika and Canterbury linseed. With plans to extend the range, Morgan might need a few extra pairs of hands to keep up with demand.
A lovely welcome from Alex,Yelp Auckland
Morgan and Alex pairing cheese and oatcakes
AucklandMade events are a fabulous opportunity to meet food producers, mingle with like-minded foodies and of course taste some amazing New Zealand food and wine. To find out more about these events go to the Yelp Auckland or follow them on Facebook Yelp Auckland.